Equity Releases: The Key to Success for Everyone
The idea of releasing equity can seem daunting to many people. The word itself is often associated with intense negotiations, difficult legal documents, and a lot of paperwork! There are some different options for strategic equity planning that are available for your business needs. You may be surprised by the variety of ways you can create an arrangement that feels fair and works for you!
Employee stock ownership plans: This type of plan is often used by small businesses and has many tax benefits. It’s employee-owned rather than company-owned, which means that your employees are the ones who will get to keep their shares after a sale or dissolution.
Another type of plan is a share-purchase plan. This plans allows employees to buy, at an agreed price, shares that are allocated for them in advance.
A third type of strategic equity planning is the employee stock purchase program: this gives your staff members incentives by offering them discounted prices on company stocks or shares.
It’s always advantageous to have a lawyer who specializes in these types of agreements and will make sure all the legal obligations are met. Employees should also be incentivized as well with rewards like profit sharing programs or even cash bonuses!
One last idea you may want to consider when strategizing about how to release equity from your business is selling it outright through an IPO (initial public offerings). You can do this if you’ve reached a certain maturity in your business.
The important thing is to plan for the future, when you might not be around anymore! You can do this by creating a strategic equity planning arrangement that works best for you and your employees.